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Because we follow a rhythm of our own – irrespective of fashion seasons – we grant ourselves the time and space to tell a pared-back story. This slowness is also an invitation to you to take your time when selecting a piece of jewellery. When you save up for a star in the heavens and one day have it in your hand, you will treasure it all the more and treat it with care.

All Natural Materials
Starting from the rawness of nature, we work with care and respect to create something valuable. There are no changes, only additions. Nevertheless, nothing is self-evident.

Find us worldwide
Because alongside my jewellery, my aim is to inspire you by translating the things that fascinate me into fashion, beauty and interior pieces.

Karolin's Favorites
For Karolin, the contrast between the diamonds and the agate accurately reflects the two sides in every woman: soft and feminine on the one hand, and powerful and charismatic on the other.

"Absolument uniques, avec ses géodes aux couleurs de la terre incrustées de diamants, les bijoux de la créatrice Karolin Van Loon ressemblent à de vrais trésors."

"Karolin Van Loon is known for her sharp designs that respect the beauty of nature and its natural shapes."

"Deze onbewerkte steen omringd door diamanten is een klein kunstwerkje, bijna te mooi om te dragen. Bijna."

"The pieces Karolin designed for Mythos are absolutely gorgeous, like something I've never seen before."

"The true power of wearing geodes goes beyond the visual impact."
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